Top Three Tips For Hedge Trimming

When most people think of "hedge trimming," they usually imagine simply taking some shears and shaving off the top of the bush as a one-and-done deal. Of course, trimming shrubs and hedges aren't as simple as just cutting them back. Since every plant is different, each one comes with a different set of requirements. Knowing this can help you to better plan how to trim your bushes and make the most out of your lawn maintenance in the long run.
Trim Your Hedges At The Right time
Although most homeowners are aware that they have to trim the hedges, many don't know when is the best time. Some homeowners will use a weekend to cut everything at once, but that is not usually the best practice for your shrubs.
Like azaleas and rhododendrons, some shrubs only have a four to six-week window to prune; after that, they will begin to grow buds for the next season. And if you prune at the wrong time, you can ruin the plant's ability to flower for the next season, which is why it is vital to know your plants' when specifications before trimming or pruning.
Use The Correct Pruning Equipment
Another problem that homeowners have with hedge trimming is using the wrong equipment. Many homeowners and even some lawn maintenance companies will use gas or electric-powered shears to trim. But certain shrubs, like boxwood, actually need to be cut with a precise pruning instrument; otherwise, you could damage the plant. For that reason, it is imperative to know which plants require to be trimmed by hand and which do not.
DIY Or Professional Trimming Services
Once you begin to understand more about shrub trimming and pruning, you realize it's not as simple as most people believe. Given that most homeowners don't study trimming practices and methods, it's not always wise to try to tackle hedge trimming yourself; just a few mistakes can impact your trees' health and potential growth shrubs.
That's why at Lawn Masters of NY, LLC, we have specialists who will study your hedges, trees, and shrubs to make sure that they use appropriate methods to each plant. With our annual hedge trimming services, you can guarantee at your hedges and shrubs will be cut correctly and at the right time. Call us today at 845-707-0892 for the best hedge trimming services in Hudson Valley and the surrounding counties.

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